) How does the advert use narrative? Apply at least three narrative theories to the text, making specific reference to specific shots or key scenes in the advert.

In the advert, we are shown action and enigma codes throughout the ad, starting with the kid scoring a goal in training, if the girl playing football gets noticed if more people play ice hockey and enigma codes of why the girl has to fight her family and if the man skateboarding get's away from security.

In a way Todorov's equilibrium is shown with the man casually walking into the store and then having to cycle to his mate, leading to the chain of sports being mentioned, but then at the end of the advert there is a scene of the man on his cycle in his new equilibrium of choosing to cycle to his friend.

Lastly, there is an element of Propps Charater theory with the hero(s) being all the people doing the sports and the donor being the coaches such as Gareth Southgate that are shown, the villain is shown in a couple of ways first the gang, the family, the England pro player and the rugby player.2) Read this BBC feature on some of the people in the advert. How does the advert use celebrities and less well-known people to create stories in the advert?

The advert uses celebrities along with traditional actors to illustrate the likely hood of someone in London making it pro in a sports career also it conveys a sense of realism that these people socialize with each other. The stories are used to intertwine each other with a character transitioning from sport to sport.
3) Read this AdWeek feature and interview on the Nike London advert. How did the advert use technical codes (camerawork, mise-en-scene, editing etc.) to help create narratives that could connect with the audience?

As stated, "
The spot weaves together a slew of different scenes by having a character from each one slip seamlessly into another, over and over." This creates a seamless story of all these different sports all merged into one without feeling out of place. The shot in the basketball court is one to note as it is significantly different from what audiences are typically used to seeing, with the use of the 360°camera it is able to show exactly what the man is seeing, which is an overcrowded court which would be impossible to play a match of basketball on. Another thing to focus upon is the mise-en-scene in the very first scene where we are introduced to the typical London corner shop with all the adverts on the window, but also the graffiti shows that the advert is not trying to shine-light on the London community but show it in its real self.
4) What representation of London does the advert offer?

As stated the advert is not trying to shin this positive light upon the London lifestyle but is attempting to show it in its most true self, this allows people to relate easier to what they are seeing.
5) Why might this advert appeal to an audience?

One way the advert appeals to an audience by having the use of London slang and by adopting the urban lifestyle associated with London 


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