Henry Jenkins
1) What is the definition of a fan?
A fan is someone that has a great interest in a topic or type of media, so much so that they will buy merch for the topic or even dress up for the media. There are varying degrees for how much of a fan someone could be varying from extream to just some who consumes and follows news of the topic.
2) What the different types of fan identified in the factsheet?
There can be fans such as:
Pro Wrestling
Science Fiction
3) What makes a ‘fandom’?
This is a group of people that follow a similar love or even hate for a show to come together and make a name for themselves and a community.
4) What is Bourdieu's argument regarding the ‘cultural capital’ of fandom?
This is media outlets taking advantage of their fans and their love to the media by exploiting them for their own profit, as fans will do all they can to support the show and talk about it, some outlets even use the fans names and include them digitally but even on TV, such as talking dead.
5) What examples of fandom are provided on pages 2 and 3 of the factsheet?
6) Why are an imaginative extension and text creation a vital part of digital fandom?
Game info
Game news
Save files/editors
Tech support
TRLE Levels
TR movie
TR Toys and Collectibles
There are a plethora of different sits available for the Lara Croft community that all offer a wide range of needs, I believe that this shows how diverse the community is for the Lara Croft franchise.
I think that the fandom community is shown in the tomb raider site very well as it shows the old sense of the community but also the different outlets the community has to share its views and beliefs.
1) What does the site offer?
Game info
Community Playlist
This is a page where people are able to share fan art and follow specific topics of what they may like in the Metroid series. This is a place where the community can connect and socialize with each other.
There are only a few posts about the game in comparison with the others, therefore, it shows a possible unfavourable opinion in the community about this game.
A fan is someone that has a great interest in a topic or type of media, so much so that they will buy merch for the topic or even dress up for the media. There are varying degrees for how much of a fan someone could be varying from extream to just some who consumes and follows news of the topic.
2) What the different types of fan identified in the factsheet?
There can be fans such as:
Pro Wrestling
Science Fiction
3) What makes a ‘fandom’?
This is a group of people that follow a similar love or even hate for a show to come together and make a name for themselves and a community.
4) What is Bourdieu's argument regarding the ‘cultural capital’ of fandom?
This is media outlets taking advantage of their fans and their love to the media by exploiting them for their own profit, as fans will do all they can to support the show and talk about it, some outlets even use the fans names and include them digitally but even on TV, such as talking dead.
5) What examples of fandom are provided on pages 2 and 3 of the factsheet?
6) Why are an imaginative extension and text creation a vital part of digital fandom?
Tomb Raider and Metroid fandom research
Look at this Tomb Raider fansite and answer the following questions:
1) What types of content are on offer in this fansite?
Game news
Save files/editors
Tech support
TRLE Levels
TR movie
TR Toys and Collectibles
2) What does the number of links and content suggest the size of the online fan community for Tomb Raider and Lara Croft? Pick out some examples from this page.
There are a plethora of different sits available for the Lara Croft community that all offer a wide range of needs, I believe that this shows how diverse the community is for the Lara Croft franchise.
3) Scroll to the bottom of the page and look at the short ‘About me’ bio and social media updates. Is this a typical example of ‘fandom’ in the digital age? Why?
I think that the fandom community is shown in the tomb raider site very well as it shows the old sense of the community but also the different outlets the community has to share its views and beliefs.
Now look at this Metroid fansite and answer the following:
1) What does the site offer?
Game info
Community Playlist
2) Look at the Community Spotlight page. What does this suggest about the types of people who enjoy and participate in fan culture?
This is a page where people are able to share fan art and follow specific topics of what they may like in the Metroid series. This is a place where the community can connect and socialize with each other.
3) There is a specific feature on Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. What do the questions from fans tell you about the level of engagement and interest in the game and franchise from the fan community?
There are only a few posts about the game in comparison with the others, therefore, it shows a possible unfavourable opinion in the community about this game.
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