Blade runner
From the poster of blade runner, I could assume that the film will follow the man at the top of the poster. Also, the setting in the poster could be where the film is actually being set as the skyscrapers are quite prominent in the poster, made clear through the added lighting around the vast buildings, suggesting that they are the setting in the film. From the style of the illustration, this film could be a Hollywood production as the design of it seems similar to that of a star wars movie poster, which was another high budget Hollywood film. Furthermore, the man at the top of the poster, who seems to be the protagonist, is holding a gun, possibly meaning that they are some sort of authority figure as most of the time it would seem that the stereotype for a detective, which is what I would think the protagonist is acting as, is mainly the badge, the gun and the trench coat, which is what the protagonist also seems to be wearing, Also, it is made clear that this film is quite significant as it clearly states that actor “Harrison Ford” is starring in it, which would further suggest that this film has a high budget as the producers were able to get the actor whom had starred in other franchises such as Star Wars and Indiana Jones. In addition, there is what seems to be a space ship; this may be a vital part of the film as it may serve as the protagonist’s main form of transportation. I think the target audience is mainly male as the genre of the film seems to be more action/thriller based and as a result more male adults would want to watch, due to its more twisted and longer story line
Scary Movie 2
From the poster of blade runner, I could assume that the film will follow the man at the top of the poster. Also, the setting in the poster could be where the film is actually being set as the skyscrapers are quite prominent in the poster, made clear through the added lighting around the vast buildings, suggesting that they are the setting in the film. From the style of the illustration, this film could be a Hollywood production as the design of it seems similar to that of a star wars movie poster, which was another high budget Hollywood film. Furthermore, the man at the top of the poster, who seems to be the protagonist, is holding a gun, possibly meaning that they are some sort of authority figure as most of the time it would seem that the stereotype for a detective, which is what I would think the protagonist is acting as, is mainly the badge, the gun and the trench coat, which is what the protagonist also seems to be wearing, Also, it is made clear that this film is quite significant as it clearly states that actor “Harrison Ford” is starring in it, which would further suggest that this film has a high budget as the producers were able to get the actor whom had starred in other franchises such as Star Wars and Indiana Jones. In addition, there is what seems to be a space ship; this may be a vital part of the film as it may serve as the protagonist’s main form of transportation. I think the target audience is mainly male as the genre of the film seems to be more action/thriller based and as a result more male adults would want to watch, due to its more twisted and longer story line
Scary Movie 2
I think that the genre of this film is more of a comedy as the quote at the top clearly presents the film in a light hearted manner and as if it will make the audience laugh. Furthermore, the target audience may be teenagers as it is a comedy as well as horror, suggested by the name, as the teenage audience may want to be scared, as evidently displayed by other horror films and their successes. Furthermore, the story could be about the people that we see on the front and how they are maybe murdered by the more daunting characters in the movie poster as the villains, who seem to be a lot more bloodthirsty than the characters in the foreground. Also, the priest in the background may suggest that there is something perhaps demonic which would need the help of a religious leader to rid of, presuming that the character to the right of the priest is some sort of demon.
This film could appeal more to a mature audience as the poster from a first sight seems as if it would be a drama flick. This is evident from the character, who seems to be the protagonist, looking off into the distance, at this rural city, which gives the film poster a more serious vibe to it. The story of this film could be about how a man is not happy with his life in his city, as suggested by the ominous dark smoke in the air, coming from the chimney from the city. This would suggest that the city the man is staring at in the movie poster is not enjoyable to live in, as displayed from the environment as well as what seems to be rubble in the shallow side of the river. Also, there are only dark colours in the movie poster, which give the film darker undertones.
I'm Not Scared
The film could be about a child trying to overcome a challenge which involves something that the protagonist is scared of. The child on the movie poster is conflicted and possibly questioning the outcome of him doing various things, e.g. telling someone about an event that had happened. I think that this movie is more of a thriller film due to the scared face of the child and how he seems as if he is not ready to face up to his challenge. The target audience could be a more mature audience as the action genre normally appeals more to an older audience who have that love for the suspenseful moments in a movie. The vast hole in the ground could represent the fear that this boy is trying to overcome in the movie and in doing so, stumbles across a few problems, whatever they may be, the boy has to step up to the challenge so that he can prove to himself that he is not scared.
Sin City
Sin City is a film which, after deciphering the film poster, seems to be an action/crime film as portrayed by the dark colours with the red contrasting against the black of the film poster, which could potentially represent the blood spilled in this flick due to the wielded gun, of the man standing next to the man in the middle who seems to be our protagonist, which denotes the fact that there is violence in this flick. Furthermore, the font used to display the names of the producers of the film in designed in such a way that it looks similar to that of a comic book. Comics normally have a lot of fighting and action in them, so for the designers to have wrote their names in this font could give hints to the audience about the film and what it would be like. I believe that this film is about these people on the front of the movie poster, who seem to be authority figures, solve a crime of some sort.
Pirates of the Carribean
The movie poster for “Pirates of the Caribbean ” provide evidence for me to find out that this film is about pirates who sail the ocean to come across the lady on the right as she is dressed in a more formal manner compared to the other two male pirates. I think that the target audience is families and younger people due to the fact that the “Pirates of the Caribbean” franchise is known for being a fun adventure for the family. It is from the tentacle in the middle of the poster that I can infer that the trio in the poster may come across some problems whilst sailing the seven seas.
Bride and Prejudice
Bride and Prejudice
From the film poster, I would guess that it is a comedy, Bollywood film. This is mainly due to the monument in the background of the poster which could be attempting to mimic the Taj Mahal. I think that the plot is about how the male on the left in the foreground of the poster tries to win over the girls hand in marriage, as suggested by the name “Bride &Prejudice.” I think that this film’s target audience is the, middle aged, Asian community as they would be the main types of people to understand what people are saying, without the subtitles, unless the viewer knows the language of the film, assuming that this film is in another language as some Bollywood films are scripted in English rather than a home/native language.
Million Dollar Baby
Starting off, I believe that this film could belong to the drama/action as the prominent female looks angry or serious, which are the normal facial expressions and emotions of characters in action flicks. In addition to this, the dark theme to the poster could connote the dark undertones that the film may have. From what I can see, I picture the plot of this film as a mother carrying out various tasks in order to rack up the money to pay the ransom of her kidnapped child. I believe this as the lady in the poster seems determined to complete her mission and get her family back.
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