1) Narrative & genre: narrative theory and sub-genre Genre of Romance: When both characters jump on the bed, instead of each other providing pleasure, it is the make-up/product that is doing this. Adventure/Fantasy as they are trasnported to a new place it seems to be when they put on the mascara. 2) Cinematography: camera shots and movement Extreme Close Up of the eye as they are putting on the make up- convention of cosmetics adverts Audiences of these influences are used to these types of shots. Twisted crane shot used to display glamour and their lifestyle, also gives a slow reveal of the room to make us feel impressed by the costumes, whilst they are impressed by the room. 3) Mise-en-scene: costume & props Gold signifies value of the product Gold of the mascara used to represent actual gold, further signifies money, value and worth. 4) Mise-en-scene: actors, setting, lighting and colour Gold everywhere makes the scene look valuable Natura...