Videogames: The Sims FreePlay part 2 - Industries
Regulation – PEGI Research the following using the PEGI website . 1) What is the VSC and how does it link to UK law? In 2012 the PEGI system was incorporated into UK law and the VSC was appointed as the statutory body responsible for the age rating of video games in the UK using the PEGI system. 2) Note down the key statistics on the homepage. OperatinG for 30 years Rated 1200+ games Rated 8000+ apps 1987 member outlets 3) What is the purpose of PEGI? PEGI are responsible for supplying consumers detailed information about the content of games with PEGI ratings. They are committed to providing as much helpful information as they can about video game ratings. 4) Click on the PEGI Rating tab in the top menu. What are the age ratings and what do they include? The age ratings are: 3, 7, 12, !, 16 and 18. 5) Scroll down to look at the ‘How games are examined’ infographic. What is the PEGI process for rating a game? The...